Sunday, December 23, 2007


While reorganizing my posessions I've been running across forgotten relics. As I leave for the family holidays, this artifact seems especially apropos (as well as hilarious). Yes, that's me put in the trash can by my older sister.


Libby Koponen said...

That is hilarious. The expression on Lissy's face is interesting, too....

thethinker said...

I love this! You look like you're in distress and she's just smiling happily.

Vivian Mahoney said...

Sisters. What would we do without them? This could be one of the photos of my children!

Wishing you a wonderful 2008!

Rita said...

Wow. One of my happiest childhood memories is of the moment my mother pretended to listen to me for even half a second, like she might actually put my baby brother in the trash. I laughed so hard. I was all, "Throw him away! Right! NOW!" and she was like, "Okay...!" That turned my frown upside down.

(I shared this memory with my family recently. My brother did not know how to respond.)