But we hoped a good dinner would be the remedy. We went to a place called "Little Fat Lamb", a Mongolian hot pot restaurant. There, our presence fascinated the waiter. Who were these Chinese-looking girls that could not speak Chinese? And speak English so well? He was mesmerized by us, insisting that we wear the special aprons to eat (we noticed these aprons were not pushed upon any of the locals). We humored him, especially as it was quite amusing that the aprons were embroidered with cute, plaintive sheep (lamb is the specialty there) and the words "please keep me." I hear they have restaurants in San Francisco and Montreal, I wonder if the aprons there say the same thing.

However, even "Fat Little Lamb" could not help the exhaustion. So we decided on a quiet walk home and an indoor evening, adventures to begin in the morning.
But I am in China.

Sound excited in China nowadays.
Oh, going to the other side of the earth creates a jet-lag like no other...looking forward to hearing about the trip after you settle in!
i have been reading your blogs for a long, long time. I found your blogs because I had bought your books, which i love!
I'm excited about your trip to China. I am Chinese and don't speak the language either. My grandfather was Chinese (as was my Dad) and my grandmother was Mexican, so we all speak English. :)
I have always wanted to visit China and now I'll get to experience it vicariously through you. :) Have fun! I'm looking forward to seeing the country through your photos and words.
my blog
my flickr
I, too, am enjoying these posts.
The aprons and these photos are excellent!!
So awesome that you are there, Grace. Have an wonderful adventure! looking forward to hearing/reading all about it!
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